dilluns, 29 d’abril del 2013

The Boston’s Marathon

Després de l'atemptat de Boston, els alumnes de 3r vem estar parlant a la classe d'anglès no tant de les conseqüències polítiques que un fet tan horrorós podria causar a la població, sinó del drama humà i com els podria afectar en un futur immediat. De totes les idees que van donar els alumnes recollides en forma de redacció, hem seleccionat una especialment emotiva, la qual va sobre la dramàtica història d'una corredora que va morir mentre el seu nòvio l'esperava a la línea d'arribada per demanar-li que es casés amb ell. Ja no serà possible. Llegiu la redacció perquè no us deixarà gens indiferents.

The Boston’s Marathon
It was such a nice Sunday in Boston. The sun was shining, kids were playing, and the most important thing, Leena was about to arrive. Leena was my girlfriend, she was awesome, funny, attractive and really loved doing sport. That’s why I was there, she brought me here because she wanted to run in the Boston’s Marathon, if I was her I wouldn’t be able to finish it, not even close probably.

The thing is that I was going to make a big step in my life. I was going to propose her to marry me. I was so nervous, though I felt that If I hadn’t done it, it would have been worse for our relationship.
I saw her behind the crowd, and then I heard it. A huge explosion. People started screaming and running. I didn’t even know what was happening. At that moment I just cared about Leena, If she was injured I needed to help her, so I ran to her. She was lying on the ground with the eyes closed. Something inside of me had already died. I couldn’t be happening. I just needed to hear her heart or breath, but no. Nothing was happening. My whole world stopped, so I did, stayed there, hugging her. I knew my life was gonna be different forever. I knew I wouldn’t be the same from there.

Pablo Brando