diumenge, 27 de novembre del 2011

What actually happened in Viladrau?

Els alumnes de 3r vam fer les convivències a Viladrau. A continuació us expliquem, amb un toc d'humor, una història alternativa del què va passar allà.

On Friday 21st the students of 3rd of ESO were travelling to Viladrau on their first school trip of the course.

Marina was painting her nails when suddenly she noted that Gemma was missing. She phoned Gemma’s mobile phone. Gemma was crying because she was all alone in the school but her tutor helped her: They took two bicycles and started to ride to Viladrau!!.

Suddenly the weather changed. Big hailstones were falling from the sky. Lightning almost killed them. It was very frightening. Her tutor protected her from thunder and lightning. Afterwards they arrived in Viladrau.

But where were the people??

The people were very frightened and the place was destroyed. “What happened while I wasn’t here?” Gemma asked. The next moment Marina told her what happened:” We were having breakfast when we saw a tornado. Everyone began to run and scream. There was panic. Nobody knew what to do. Suddenly the trees fell down, and all began to move. The next moment the tornado disappeared. Afterwards everybody was OK.”
Paula Rueda